Buddy/Private Pitching Lessons
Pitching is one of the core aspects at Premier Sport Services. Our pitching instructors have either playing or coaching experience at the Division I Level. We break down the fundamentals of the pitching mechanics and focus on key points such as pitch location and accuracy, ball spin, and speed.
Pitching Lessons with Premier Sport Services focus on:
Learning Proper Pitching Mechanics
All Pitches (Fast, Drop, Change-Up, Curve, Rise, Screw)
Special Speed Training
Building Endurance
Mental Aspect of the Game

Buddy/Private Hitting Lessons
Hitting lessons at Premier Sport Services focuses on and incorporates the following into your hitting lessons:
Learning Proper Hitting Mechanics
Slapping Techniques
Getting the Bunt Down
Power Hitting
Situational Hitting
Machine Fed Balls
Live Pitching
Tee Work
Video Analysis of Swing

Buddy/Private Catching Lessons
As commander of the field, the catcher position is one of the most important and influential positions on the field. There are several aspects of the catcher position. In order to be successful, it is important to develop these skills.
Catching Lessons with Premier Sport Services focus on:
Learning Proper Catching Mechanics
Proper Throwing Mechanics
Building Endurance

Looking for Buddy/Private Fielding Lessons
Premier Sport Services Fielding lessons focuses on proper mechanics and fundamentals and geared toward improving players fielding skill level and confidence. We cover a variety of items from ball grip, proper foot work, fielding slow rollers, balls to the left and right side, ball flips, proper foot planting for that infield throw to get the ground out, how to approach the outfield ground and fly balls, and much more.
Team Strenght and Agility Sessions
Premier Sport Services offers Streght and Agility sessions to both Teams and Individuals with Private or Buddy Lessons.

Next Step, Ready to book a lesson ?
To book your lesson you can call us at 404-408-4094. If you reach our voicemail you can leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also book you own lesson by using our online appointment scheduler. Just click on the "Book A Lesson" link.